Upcoming events
Devil in Moscow Premiere with Slovak Phil (Copy)
Beside the premiere, works by Walton and Haydn will be featured. Richard Harwood, cello solo.
Devil in Moscow Premiere with Slovak Phil
Beside the premiere, works by Walton and Haydn will be featured. Richard Harwood, cello solo.
Shalom Chaverim - final orchestral concert
Hilaris Chamber Orchestra, Juraj Bartos, trumpet, Peter Breiner piano & conductor
Michel Legrand: Yentl Suite for piano and orchestra, Peter Breiner: Elvis Concerti Grossi
(invitation only - let me know if you want one)
Autumn reunion
old buddies get together for some jazz music: Stano Paluch & Peter Lipe & me
End of the War anniversary concert with Avi Avital and Hilaris Chamber Orchestra
Slovak Philharmonic Hall, Bratislava, Slovakia
Recording & mixing & drinking Champagne
Phase two of a massive project involving an orchestra, chorus, soloists, a band, myself on many different keyboards (including Steinway & Boesendorfer, Hammond, Fender Rhodes, harpsichord and a church organ)… and a live event at the end.
Firebird with RPO
Performed by the world-renowned Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Peter Breiner, and recorded at BBC Television Centre.
BGB just about everywhere
Breiner: Beatles Concerto Grosso no 4
Ensemble: Spark - die klassische Band
Arranger: Peter Breiner
BGB just about everywhere
Breiner: Beatles Concerto Grosso no 4
Ensemble: Spark - die klassische Band
Arranger: Peter Breiner
BGB just about everywhere
Breiner: Beatles Concerto Grosso no 4
Ensemble: Spark - die klassische Band
Arranger: Peter Breiner
BGB just about everywhere
Breiner: Beatles Concerto Grosso no 4
Ensemble: Spark - die klassische Band
Arranger: Peter Breiner
BGB just about everywhere
Breiner: Beatles Concerto Grosso no 4
Ensemble: Spark - die klassische Band
Arranger: Peter Breiner
BGB in Malaysia
Breiner: Beatles Concerto Grosso no 1 (in the style of Handel)
Ensemble: Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra
Conductor: Naohisa Furusawa
Breiner: Beatles Concerto Grosso no 4
Ensemble: Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra
Conductor: Naohisa Furusawa
BGB just about everywhere
Breiner: Beatles Concerto Grosso no 4
Ensemble: Spark - die klassische Band
Arranger: Peter Breiner
Piano recital on a horse farm
Peter Breiner, svetoznámy klavirista, skladateľ, dirigent, aranžér, na Slovensku známy aj ako glosátor a spisovateľ, predvedie svoje hudobné umenie tentokrát v netradičnom priestore jazdiarne, na ranči Klokočina pri brehoch Zemplínskej šíravy. Na koncerte okrem klasických skladieb zaznejú aj diela Petra Breinera – ukážky z cyklu Slovenské tance a z jeho posledných dvoch albumov. Večer spestrí husľový virtuóz a dirigent George Hlawiczka.
BGB just about everywhere
Breiner: Beatles Concerto Grosso no 4
Ensemble: Spark - die klassische Band
Arranger: Peter Breiner
Lamento at guitar festival
Presenter: J K Mertz Festival
Breiner: Lamento / Lament
Ensemble: Bratislava Guitar Quartet
BGB just about everywhere
Breiner: Beatles Concerto Grosso no 4
Ensemble: Spark - die klassische Band
Arranger: Peter Breiner
70th Anniversary of Conservatory in Kosice
Presenter: Konzervatorium Kosice
Dvorak: Slavonic Dance E minor op 72 No 2 for piano
Artist: Peter Breiner (Piano)
Arranger: Peter Breiner
Breiner: Slovak Dance No 1
Artist: Peter Breiner (Piano)
Bach: Goldberg Variations
Artist: Peter Breiner (Piano)
Beatles in Germany and Denmark
Presenter: Norddeutsche Sinfonia
Breiner: Beatles Concerto Grosso no 1 (in the style of Handel)
Ensemble: Norddeutsche Sinfonia
Beatles in Germany and Denmark
Presenter: Norddeutsche Sinfonia
Breiner: Beatles Concerto Grosso no 1 (in the style of Handel)
Ensemble: Norddeutsche Sinfonia
Beatles in Germany and Denmark
Presenter: Norddeutsche Sinfonia
Breiner: Beatles Concerto Grosso no 1 (in the style of Handel)
Ensemble: Norddeutsche Sinfonia
BGB in Milano
Presenter: Milano Classica
Breiner: Beatles Concerto Grosso no 1 (in the style of Handel)
Ensemble: Milano Classica
Arranger: Peter Breiner
Breiner: Beatles Concerto Grosso no 4
Ensemble: Milano Classica
Piano recitals in Slovakia
Calm Romantic Piano albums presentation
Presenter: TM Booking & Promotion
Program TBA
Artist: Peter Breiner (Piano)
Piano recitals in Slovakia
Calm Romantic Piano albums presentation
Presenter: TM Booking & Promotion
Program TBA
Artist: Peter Breiner (Piano)
Piano recitals in Slovakia
Calm Romantic Piano albums presentation
Presenter: TM Booking & Promotion
Program TBA
Artist: Peter Breiner (Piano)
A Journey at Christopher Festival
Presenter: Christopher Festival
Breiner: A Journey
Artist: Peter Breiner (Piano)
Ensemble: Christopher's Strings
Conductor: Peter Breiner
Arranger: Peter Breiner
BGB at Christopher Festival
Presenter: Christopher Festival
Breiner: Beatles Concerto Grosso no 1 (in the style of Handel)
Breiner: Beatles Concerto Grosso no 2 (in the style of Vivaldi)
McCartney Oratorio in concert
Presenter: Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra
McCartney: Ecce Cor Meum (Behold My Heart)
Ensemble: Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra
Conductor: Peter Breiner
Janacek: The Makropulos Affair: Suite
Ensemble: Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra
Conductor: Peter Breiner